The State Of Empathy

May 23, 2021


Filed under: — geo @ 9:39 am

What’s My Relationship to Dance & Beauty

excerpted from Beast Behind Beauty
– slaying the beast that keeps us from feeling beautiful

mariel on dance beauty anorexia addiction sex ballet and beyond 1-10-2016

1)Abbey on The Beast Behind Beauty

AJ on Dance Hip-Hop Education and Beyond

in 2009 i filmed this dance site specific public instillation conceived & edited by Despina Sophia Stamos with Storme Sundberg and performed in a Chashama Space and coincidentally in 2016 it becomes part of my “Soul Searching” series – in search of soul in everything, life, art, dance, music, science, beauty etc – this is also part of my “Whats My Relationship to Dance” documentary segment too –

Soul Searching

a work in progress

Soul Searching

Music is a Soul Exchange
a Conversational Documentary

Musing on Music, Art & Beyond

Conversations with Musicians and Artist
about their and our relationship to Art, Music, Dance, Beauty & Beyond

geo geller
geo (at)

Contin-U-Hum – can you hear the humm – voice Geo by GEwIz
[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”n”]

“Music (Art) a Tool of The Heart”
by Jose Luis Rodriguez aka Jose Luis de la Paz

excerpted from Self-Portrait of YOU-manity
links to works in progress docs
more Searching at to name a few

“Music Saved My Life”
conversations with Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel
Below or

excerpted from documentary in progress more at

ExCon With Conviction

is an experiential, non-linear multi-dimensional documentary directed/produced by geo geller with Andy Dixon and Linda Polk
Andy Dixon is singer/songwriter storyteller who was born into crime and mixes music and conversation fluidly while telling his life story… which includes spending 27 years of an illegal life without parole sentence, befriending James Earl Ray in jail, being the 3rd of 4 generations in his family to be incarcerated, and ties it all up with a message to Break the cycle of generational incarceration by Breaking Kids OUT of prison before they get in
more at

What’s A Documentary?
for 2 Seven Year Old’s – Rough Cut

Soul Searching in the Land of Babble

Babble Music

Sounding the Depths a musical odd-ah-see
Babble the Universal Language

Oct 18, 2016


KanittaGoi (Thai) Sneha Khanwalkar (Indian)
Israel Mizrachi (Hebrew) Ezzy Gluck (Yiddish) geo geller (recording/filming & playing himself)
excerpted from Babble experimental film

Babbling – Sounding the Depths
experiments in music
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/audio-babble/” captions=”Babbling Sounding the Depths – experiments in music and conversation” shuffle=”y” list=”y”]

Musing on Music – Soul Searching
My Relationship to Music?

a Conversational Documentary

Conversation with Elena Camerin Young, on Identity, Music, Space, Place, Sex, Orgasm, Singing and beyond – food for imagination

Sounding the Depths

Elena Camerin & geo geller

experiments in music and conversation



why Sounding Depths – because some of our musical experiments and conversations with elena touch on subject that have a depth and breath to them and our first conversation below was about what it’s like to be a woman among other things

Sounding the Depths – experiments in music and conversation
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/geoelena/” captions=”geo-elena Sounding the Depths – experiments in music and conversation” shuffle=”y” list=”y”]
identity conversation on being
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”FEED:/geoelena/identite” captions=”geo-elena Sounding the Depths – identity conversation on being” shuffle=”n” list=”y”]

Elena excerpt from Other Faces of MonaLisa

Autism, Music and Beyond – ver 20150911153416

Autism, Music and Beyond
in conversation with Elena Camerin Young

How Music Changed a Young Austistic Child and in turn Changed Elena’s Life too

excerpted from
“Soul Searching” & “What’s My Relationship to Music”
elena and geo musical conversations

geo geller
geo (at)

contact: Elena Camerin Young –

More Conversations About Music, Autism, Identity, Being a Woman and Babble (experimental film/theater) with Elena Camerin Young
excerpted from Elena a Musical Life documentary

Conversation with Elena Camerin Young, on Identity, Music, Space, Place, Sex, Orgasm, Singing and beyond – food for imagination

Howard Bloom – Truth, Music of Cosmos, Community

the first intro came out of a casual conversation with A.J. Croce 2/5/2015 who is suspect in a longer work in progress insightful documentary working title Me, Myself, Music and Why with A.J. Croce – this excerpt episode i include when Marlo Croce, who is an artist herself, asked me what music i listened to and i thought it would work as an introduction to both the What’s My Relationship to Music Documentary by me and intro to A.J too – stay tooned there is more to come – if you want to respond to the question and create a video please Hastag it #WhatMyRelationshipToMusicDoc and also email me at Geo (at) and i will either include it in the doc or put a link to it some how – thanks for resonating

So Be Free with Sophie B Hawkins – caught in the act 1/22/2006 at APAP

Issa Ibrahim – on Music & Mental Illness

Fiona Bloom – has music in her veins

Tsidii – on music and on her self

“Music Saved My Life”
conversations with (Self-Described)with Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel

Music Saved My Life – Bi-Polar Bear James Kusel 11-23-2015

excerpted from documentary in progress more at

frameborder=”1″ align=”center” width=’110%’ height=”3400″‘>“What’s A Documentary?” for 2 Seven Year Old’s by geo geller
in 2002/3 i was shooting a documentary called “Self-Portrait of YOU-manity” as if i was hired to do a documentary on YOU-manity for people from another planet – so i went around asking people to describe to somebody from another planet what it was like to be human, man, woman, child, mother, father, sister, brother, friends, wife, beauty, sex, love etc and one spring day i was filming these two seven year old’s who were sisters from other mothers and were babies in the womb together about what it was like to be this and that and to be friends and at the end i asked as i usually do “if i can use this in a documentary” and the kids in unison said “What’s A Documentary?” and so for years on and off especially at George Stoney birthday party events and doc film festivals i stalked doc filmmakers and asked “What’s A Documentary? – for two seven year old’s” – this below came from a PBS, POV, ITVS sponsored event 2/22/2015 – i need to put up the credits too

geo geller
geo (at)

Conversational Documentary that hopes to plant the seeds of the soul back into everything – Sadly, we have lost our way along the yellow brick road and think of ourselves and each other as commodities; when in fact we do the best we can in each moment, but when we put our souls, hearts, minds and body into whatever we do, whether we know it or not, we do the impossible, we create the future – great music, art, poetry, dance, beauty, design etc not only cares for our individual and collective imagination but in moving us we become one with the artist and with each other – our souls, spirits what every you call it or don’t call it come together in that moment we are engaged in a Soul Exchange – food for thought

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